Rock Creek Birds

My diary on observing and helping Rock Creek Park birds thrive. Follow my bird-related posts on Instagram. I am devoted to Rock Creek Park and its wildlife, and to volunteerism.

March 18, 2022: HEY UP THERE
Wood Duck In A Tree

Rare-ish sight today: a duck in a tree! I clean up tons of mallard poop in the clinic I volunteer in, but wood ducks (Aix sponsa) that need rehabilitation go to a clinic with more space. They’re adapted to perching, with long toes and sharp claws — anyone trying to help them surely has a few scars.

Joro spider (Trichonephila clavata)

A British invasion? No, East Asian Joro spiders, WTOP warns. Best case: food for birds in Rock Creek. A UofM entomologist says they won’t arrive this summer and their fangs can’t break human skin. Still, these alarmist headlines get under mine: USA Today: “Giant spiders are invading the East Coast! This is not a drill! Evacuate…” The Daily Mail: “Hundreds of spiders the size of a child’s hand will ‘colonize’ the entire East Coast this spring.” #Arachnophooey Image source: Wikipedia.

March 3, 2022: GREAT BLUE HERON, Departed
Deceased Great Blue Heron

Just as humans have died from COVID, birds experience deadly viruses. Experts warn Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or HPAI, now endangers birds in the DC region. Perhaps the fate of this Great Blue Heron I encountered in Rock Creek yesterday? My prayer: “Majestic Heron, I honor your spirit. May I always remember the freedom, patience, stillness and strength you represented in life. Peace.”

June 2021: “Robertoo”
Recused American Robin

This is Robertoo, the 2nd American Robin I’ve rescued — this one after a cat scuffle last June. Best part was City Wildlife’s care, where I volunteer and got to help… and recover he did! Robins are the quintessential early bird, and it’s joyous to see their swelling numbers every morning of late. I’m sure Robertoo is in their ranks!