Media Work

Earned media has been much of my life’s work. Here are some articles I’m most proud of:

+ Capitol Communicator, May 15, 2022: “Jason Young named president of Palladian Partners

+ MarketWatch, Mar. 18, 2022:You’re retired. That means no more age discrimination at work. So does ageism still affect you?

The portrayal of seniors in advertisements, television shows and movies reinforces stereotypes, Young says. Elderly characters often come across as caricatures—doddering and forgetful or angry and embittered.

“When you don’t see yourself in the culture, it sends a signal that older people are less interesting, less worthy and less valuable,” Young said. And that influences how people of all ages relate to seniors.

Ageism can arise where you least expect it. Well-meaning younger friends can patronize an older person, demanding to help with tasks that the senior is perfectly capable of performing.

“Even within a family, an older member of the family can get pushed aside,” Young said. “People can make an assumption that older people are only interested in certain types of social activities.”

+ Fox News, Mar. 19, 2020:How Americans can safeguard seniors, caregivers and health care workers as they cope with coronavirus pandemic” — about AARP’s advocacy to limit seniors’ COVID exposure and the Trump administration’s embrace of telehealth

+ University of Maryland Smith School of Business Top News, Jun. 8, 2018: Best and Brightest Online MBAs

“Young: I chose Smith because of the peers and professors I wanted to engage with – people with a comprehensive, thoughtful perspective on the nexus of business and public policy… My expanded network is living proof of the quality of the people that Smith attracts.”

+ Forbes, Jun. 6, 2018: Feature Article, “You’ll Be Surprised By These Online MBA Graduates

“Getting America covered was a daunting, awe-inspiring experience that toughened me as a get-it-done professional and a decision-maker, but it also exposed me to other roles I want to serve in, so I can have a greater impact,” I told Forbes.

+ Poets & Quants, Jun. 6, 2018:2018 Best Online MBAs: Jason Young, University of Maryland (Smith)

“Six years ago, at age 37, I got a cardiac defibrillator, my first step toward becoming bionic… Health policy is made at the 50,000-foot level, but to me, health care is always personal,” I told P&Q.

+ Association of Health Care Journalists Blog, Jan. 19, 2017:FDA bans ‘close-hold embargoes’ in response to AHCJ protest” — about a policy change I led in support of open and equitable access to forthcoming agency announcements

+ Psychiatric News, May 28, 2015:New APA Logo Unifies Image of Psychiatry” — about my rebranding of the American Psychiatric Association. The former logo depicted Dr. Benjamin Rush (1746-1813) and had been in use for 94 years. As the old mark was uninviting to patients, APA business units had created a de facto jumble of separate brands, captured in a photo in this Apr. 9, 2015, story.

Jason Young APA Logos
Jason Young shows APA’s de facto logos, urging it to rebrand after nearly a hundred years.

+, Aug. 22, 2012:Heart Attack Survivor Travels Interstate To Thank Paramus Rescuer” — about meeting my personal hero, Brian Gatens, the off-duty paramedic who saved my life

“My doctor, my friends, everybody tell me tells me Brian made all the difference. He did all the right things,” I told the Paramus (N.J.) City Council.

Brian Gatens and Jason Young at a Paramus, N.J., City Council meeting, during which Gatens was commended for his life-saving work.

+ Wall Street Journal, Jun. 16, 2011:Wal-Mart Is Facing Latest Salvo From Union” — about OUR Walmart’s trip to Bentonville, Ark., to write and share its platform

+ New York Times, Jun. 14, 2011:Wal-Mart Workers Try the Non-Union Route” — about a workers’ rights group I branded and grew through then-novel social media strategies

+ PR Week, Jan. 27, 2010: ASGK Public Strategies Hires Young to Lead Washington Office

+ Psychiatric News, Oct. 15, 2004:APA Members at Work for their Patients and Colleagues” — mentioning a media training I led for 90 young psychiatrists before they headed to Capitol Hill to advocate on mental health policy matters.

Jason Young Media Training
Jason Young leads a 2004 media training for 90 young psychiatrists.

+ Baltimore Sun, Aug. 3, 2001:Anti-gay groups face a tough fight” — my commentary about a ballot initiative to overturn an anti-discrimination bill the General Assembly had passed

Stopping False Claims on Facebook

My work in recent years, at AARP, has allowed me to be at the forefront of stopping proliferation of false claims on social media.

Disinformation and misinformation prey on users new to those platforms. It also puts those with financial resources, like retirement savings, at risk.

I have also prevailed on every fact check filed with Facebook fact-checkers. It’s a 100% success rate, which both humbles and alarms me. Social media definitely brings out the good and the bad. See the results here.